RX Japan Organises and Co-organise Exhibitions. We Provide Contract Exhibition Management Service and Support Services for Those Who Exhibit at Overseas Exhibitions as Well.
As a professional in the exhibition industry, RX Japan offers a variety of services, including organising and co-organising exhibitions, contract exhibition management services and support services for exhibiting at overseas exhibitions.
1. Exhibition Planning & Operation [Organiser]
RX Japan plans exhibitions from scratch and executes everything from preparation to onsite management. During the preparation period, RX Japan is involved in a wide range of activities, including securing a venue, public relations, and exhibitor and visitor recruitment from Japan and abroad, with the big upfront investment amounting to several hundred million yen. As a private company, RX Japan is exposed to some risk in this upfront investment. We will do our best to lead exhibitions to success by developing new know-how and using expertise accumulated since its establishment so that exhibitors & visitors will have great results through our exhibitions.

2. Organising Exhibitions with Other Organisations [Co-organiser]
RX Japan also co-organise exhibitions with other organisations such as industry associations, government agencies, newspapers, and private organisers. The advantage of co-organising is that each organisation can take advantage of the other's strengths. For example, co-organising with industry associations makes it easier to build an industry-wide cooperative framework and to take advantage of the knowledge and relationship of industry leaders. Adding RX Japan's know-how and expertise in organising exhibitions to them, we can make a highly successful show that leads to successful results of exhibitors.

3. Contract Exhibition Management
RX Japan undertakes the management of exhibitions for other organisations. There are two styles: one is to undertake planning and operation from other organisers, and the other is to act as the organiser's office. The framework common to the both is as follows:
(1) The organiser shall take responsibility for the direction, discretion and outcome of the exhibition and bear risks.
(2) RX Japan shall follow the intent and instructions of the organiser and invest its know-how and expertise to realise them.
(3) The organizer shall pay RX Japan a commission as stated in the contract.
In many cases, exhibitions with excellent themes fail to produce sufficient results due to a lack of professional know-how. RX Japan, a professional exhibition organiser, will manage the exhibition on behalf to ensure its success and development.

4. Support for Exhibiting at Overseas Exhibitions
RX Japan's specialised overseas team provides support for exhibiting at overseas exhibitions organised by RX group companies. We provide practical support for Japanese companies wishing to expand their business beyond borders by providing information on business practices in various countries to have success at overseas exhibitions.
RX Group has a worldwide network and organises more than 350* exhibitions in 42 industries in 22 countries/regions globally, providing a bridge to international business.

The Reason for The Success of RX Japan's Exhibitions
Here are the four principles of successful exhibitions that RX Japan has adhered to since its establishment in 1986.