High Impact and Unique Value of RX Japan Exhibitions
The 'exhibitions' organised by RX Japan contribute to industry development and economic activities by creating a business hub at large exhibition venues such as Tokyo Big Sight. Here, the features and value of the exhibitions are explained in detail, using Smart Energy WEEK Spring 2024 as an example.
1. Huge Exhibitions
A key feature of the exhibition is the gathering of people, products and information from all over the world in one huge venue.
SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring, which was held at the end of February 2024, attracted 1,484 energy-related companies from 33 countries and regions to an exhibition area of 97,000 sqm, equivalent to about 7.4 Tokyo Dome grounds, and around 69,000 visitors from Japan and abroad. The exhibition attracted 69,000 visitors from Japan and abroad. The business opportunities created on such a large scale are the value of the exhibition.

A view of the SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring exhibition hall, where 1,484 companies exhibited. The entire East and West exhibition halls of Tokyo Big Sight were used.
2. Held at The Same Time and in The Same Place over A Long Period of Time
Another characteristic of exhibitions is that they continue to be held at the same time and in the same place for a long period of time - 10, 20 or even 50 years. In Europe and the USA, where exhibitions have a long history, there are many exhibitions that have lasted for more than 100 years.
Being held over a long period of time and in the same place is a great advantage for the host city. The global visibility of the city is enhanced and the cumulative economic impact over decades can be enormous. This makes them very different from one-off events, and countries around the world are focusing on exhibitions as the basis for sustainable city development.

SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring has been held at Tokyo Big Sight from the end of February to the beginning of March every year since it began in 2005.
3. Significant Business Transactions and Efficient Marketing Opportunities
At the exhibition, active business takes place at the various booths. At SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring, an estimated 170 billion yen in transactions took place over the three days of the exhibition.
Exhibitions attract a large number of industry players and provide exhibitors with an effective way of promoting their products and expanding their sales channels to a large number of potential customers. It is also an opportunity for exhibitors to be inspired by competitors and to identify market trends that lead to innovations within their own companies.
The main advantage for visitors is that they can compare and study many products at the same time, hold business meetings and gather information on the spot.
With a large number of competitors and visitors interested in their products, exhibitions have recently been used by many companies as a venue for effective marketing activities.
* Estimated figures for SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring 2024 (calculated on the basis of exhibitor questionnaires on the value of business negotiations concluded within six months after the exhibition).

Over the years, RX Japan has created an exhibition where business negotiations are actively conducted. It is also an opportunity to discover potential customers and develop overseas sales channels.
4. Playing The Role of an 'International Conventions'
A number of lectures and conferences take place during the exhibition. During SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring, 200 sessions were held, attended by 17,431 professionals. Around 8% of these, or 1,400 participants, came from abroad.
In other words, the exhibition is also a large-scale convention (international conference). In Japan, conventions tend to be narrowly defined as ‘academic conferences and international meetings held overseas’ and considered as ‘something to be invited to’, whereas exhibitions can be organised independently. RX Japan handles everything from conference planning to management. If Japan is to become a country where conventions thrive, it is important to ‘make Japan a country where exhibitions thrive’.

Experts from all over the world gather here to share the latest information. In recent years, it has become increasingly international, with simultaneous interpretation in English, Chinese, Korean and other languages.
5. Attracting Thousands of Proffessionals and Buyers from Abroad
Another major advantage of the exhibition is that visitors can do business with companies from all over the world while in Japan. SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring attracted exhibitors from 33 countries/regions and visitors from 59 countries/regions. The number of experts and buyers from abroad reached 7,443, making the exhibition a truly ‘global business venue’.
The economic impact of the increased number of international participants in terms of transport, accommodation, food and beverage costs is enormous. Countries around the world have long regarded exhibitions as a powerful means of increasing the number of visitors and tourists to their countries and have actively supported their organisation. In recent years, this trend has also been recognised in Japan, where the government and various local authorities have begun to promote the exhibition industry.

Exhibitors from 33 countries/regions and visitors from 59 countries/regions, shown in orange on the world map, attended SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring 2024. The number of international participants reached 7,443.
6. One of The Largest Venues for Human Interaction
Global human interaction is extremely active at exhibitions. At SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring, for example, around 50 parties and hundreds of business dinners are organised by exhibitors and embassies over the three days of the exhibition.
These are attended by industry leaders such as CEOs of exhibiting and visiting companies, government officials, eminent researchers, media representatives and others from a wide range of fields. The aim is to exchange information, promote products and develop business alliances. In Western countries, this advantage was recognised as important from early on, and some people attend exhibitions as a networking opportunity.

Social Interaction is actively promoted through numerous parties and receptions during the exhibition.
7. Bringing Significant and Long-term Economic Benefits to The Host Region
Large exhibitions attract tens of thousands of visitors from home and abroad. The economic impact of people travelling to and spending several days at the venue is enormous. For SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring, the ‘direct economic impact’ of accommodation, food and drink, transport and venue costs for exhibitor staff and visitors was approximately JPY 10.6 billion. Exhibitions such as this, which attract many international participants, spend more when it comes to accommodation and transport. In addition, the 21st edition of the exhibition has brought similar economic benefits to the host city of Tokyo over a 21-year period; for a large-scale exhibition lasting 10 or 20 years, the cumulative total economic benefits are expected to be several hundred billion yen. Exhibitions also create a wide range of jobs, including decoration, security and interpretation. For example, SMART ENERGY WEEK Spring employed a total of 10,238 people.
Global events such as the Olympics have a significant economic impact, but they are held only once every few decades and the decision on where to hold them is left to others. Exhibition organisers, on the other hand, can plan and decide on the venue themselves. They can also be sustained over the long term and contribute to regional economic growth. Exhibitions are valued worldwide as a platform for economic regeneration.
The Reason for The Success of RX Japan's Exhibitions
Here are the four principles of successful exhibitions that RX Japan has adhered to since its establishment in 1986.